Содержание материала

3.6. Hutter U. Operating Experience Obtained with a 100 kW Wind Power Plant, NASA TT-F-15, 068, 1973.

3.7. Hutter U. Influence of Wind Frequency on Rotational Speed Adjustments of Windmill Generators, NASA TT-F-15, 184, 1973 Aalustmenls

3.8. Hutter U. The Development of Wind Power Installations for Electrical Power Generation in Germany, NASA TT-F-15, 050, 1973.

3.9. Putnam P. С Power from the Wind, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1948.

3.10. Hoffman G. A. Basic Methodology for the Modular Stability Derivative Program (C-version), Mechanics Research Inc. Report 4343-2, 1970

3.11. Meier R. С Concept Selection and Analysis of Large Wind Generator "Systems, presented at the 31st Annual National Forum of the American Helicopter Society, Washington, D. C, May, 1975.

3.12. Spera D. A. Structural Analysis of Wind Turbines Rotors for NSF-NASA .Mod-0 Wind Power Systems, NASA TM X-3198, 1975.

3.13. Donham R. E. Analysis of Stowed Rotor Aerodynamic/Aeroelastic Characteristics, AGARD Conference Proceedings, 22, September, 1967, Goettingen.

3.14. Cardinale S., Donham R. E. Full-Scale Wind Tunnel Tests and Analysis of a Stopped/Folded Rotor, Lockheed Report, LR 21016, NavaAir Systems Command, June, 1968.

3.15. Donham R. E., Harvick W. P. Analysis of a Stowed Rotor Aeroelastic Characteristics, Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 12, № 2, January, 1967, p. 21—44.

3.16. Hoffman J. A., Holchin B. W. Modifications to MOSTAB for Wind Turbine Applications, Mechanics Research Inc., Report 2711, July, 1974.

3.17. Johnson С. С, Smith R. T. Dynamics of Wind Generators on Electric Utility Networks, IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. Vol. AES-12, № 4, July, 1976, p. 483—493.

3.18. Anderson P. M., Fouad A. A. Power System Control and Stability, Iowa State Univ. Press, 1977.

3.19. Glauert H. Windmills and Fans. Vol. IV, Div. LXI, Aerodynamic Theory, W. F. Durand,Editor, Springer, 1935.

3.20. Sweeney Т. Е. e. a. Sailwing Windmill Characteristics and Related Topics, Princeton AMS Report № 1240, 1975.

3.21. Blaha R. The Effect of a Center—Body on Axial Flow Windmill Performance, Princeton AMS Report № 1266, 1976.

3.22. Rohrbach С Experimental and Analytical Research on the Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines, Mid—Term Technical Report, ERDA Contract E (Il)-2615, February, 1976.

4.1. Weingarten L. 1., Nickell R. E. Nonlinear Stress Analysis of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Blades, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Transactions ASME, vol. 97, series B, № 4, p. 1234—1237, November, 1975.

4.2. Banas J. E., Sullivan W. N. (editors), Sandia Laboratories Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Program Technical Quarterly Report Oct. — Dec, 1975, Sandia Labortories, SAND 76-0036 April, 1976.

4.3. Strickland J. H. Aerodynamics of the Darrieus Turbine, Proceedings of the Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Technology Workshop, Sandia Laboratories, SAND 76—5586, 11, p. 29—58, May 17—20, 1976.

4.4. Thresher R. W., Meyer R. E., Darrieus Structural Studies at Oregon State University, Proceeding of the Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Technology Workshop, Sandia Laboratories, SAND 76—5586, III, p. 10—27, May 17—20, 1976.

4.5. Templin R. J. Aerodynamic Performance Theory for the NRC Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine, National Aeronautical Eestablishment of the National Research Council of Canada, LTR-LA-160, June, 1974.

4.6. Wilson R. E, Lissaman P. B. S. Applied Aerodynamics of Wind Power Machines, Oregon State University, May, 1974.

4.7. Strickland J. H. The Darrieus Turbine: A Performance Prediction Model Using Multiple Streamtubes, Sandia Laboratories, SAND 75-0431, October, 1975.

4.8. Abbott I. H., Von Doenhoff A. E. Theory of Wing Sections, MGraw-Hill Co., Inc., New York, 1949.

4.9. Barzda J. J. e. a. Structural Design of Blades for the Sandia 17 m Vertical-Axis Wing Turbine, Kaman Aerospace Corporation, Phase 1 Final Report R-1473, Contract № 02-7472, August, 1976.

4.10. Weingarten L. I., Lobitz D. W. Blade Structural Analysis, Proceeding, of the Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Technology Workshop, Sandia Laboratories, SAND 76—5586, II, p. 137—150, May 17—20, 1976.

4.11. Biffle J. H. System Structural Response, Proceedings of Vertical-Axis-Wind Turbine Technology Workshop, Sandia Laboratories, SAND 76—5586, II,. p. 168—179, May 17—20, 1976.

4.12. Blackwell B. F., Sheldahl R. E. Selected Wind Tunnel Test Results for the Darrieus Wind Turbine, Proceedings of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Technology Workshop, Sandia Laboratories, SAND 76—5586, 11, p. 59—72, May 17—20,. 1976.

4.13. Ham N. H. Aeroelastic Analysis of the Troposkein—Type Wind Turbines-Proceedings of the Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Technology Workshop, Sandias Laboratories, SAND 76—5586, 11, p. 185—204, May 17—20, 1976.

4.14. Fischer J. The Past and the Future of Wind Energy in Denmark, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Wind Energy Conversion Systems, Mitre-Corporation, MTR—6970, p. 162—172, September, 1975.

4.15.Rodeman R. Effects of System Imbalance, Proceedings of the Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Technology Workshop, Sandia Laboratories, SAND 76—5586,. II, p. 180—184, May 17—20, 1976.

4.15. Rodeman R. Effects of System Imbalance, Proceedings of the Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Program Technical Quarterly Report April—June 1976, Sandia Laboratories, SAND 76—0581, November, 1976.

4.17. Reuter R. C, Jr. Tower Analysis. Proceeding of the Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Technology Workshop, Sandia Laboratories, SAND 76—5586, 11„ p. 151—167, May 17—20, 1976.

4.18. Sforza P. M. Aircraft Vortices—Benign of Baleful, Space/Aeronauties p. 42—48, April, 1970.

4.19. Olsen J. H., Goldberg A., Rogers M. Aircraft Wake Turbulence and its. Detection, Plenum Press, N. Y., 1971.

4.20. Vortex Wakes of Large Aircraft, AIAA Professional Study Short Course,. June 15—16, 1974.

4.21. Thwaites В. Incompressible Aerodynamics, Oxford at. thpGIarend6ra Press, Great Britain, 1960.

4.22. Sedney R. A Survey of the Effects of Small Protuberances oniBbundarv Layer Flows, AIAA J., vol. 11, № 6, p. 782—792, 1973.

4.23. Sforza P. M., Mons R. F. Wall Wake: Flow Behind a Leading Edge-Obstacle, AIAA J., vol. 8, № 12, p. 2162—2168, December, 1970.

4.24. Hall M. G. A Theory for the Core of a Leading Edge Vortex, J of Fluid Mechanics, II, p. 209, 1961.

4.25. Hummel D. Untersuchungen fiber das Aufplatzen der Wirbel an- schlan--ken Deltafliigeln, Zeitschrift fur Flugwissenschaft, 13, Heft 5, 1965.

4.26. Minardi J. E. Computed Performance Characteristics of Electrofluid Dynamic Colloid Generators, Trans. ASME Journal of Engineering for I Power 93, p. 183—191, 1971.

4.27. Lawson M. O., Fretter E. F., Griffith R. W. Report on Progress ii Achieving Direct Conversion of a Major Fraction of Sonic Flow Kinetic Power into Electrical Power by Electrofluid Dynamic (EF) Processes, 9th IECEC, Saw Francisco, CA, August, 1974.

5.1. Putman P. С Power from the Wind, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1948.

5.2. Jayadeviah T. S., Smith R. T. Generation Schemes for Wind Power Plants,. paper presented in the 10 th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), Newark, Delaware, August, 1975.

5.3. NSF/NASA UTILITY Wind Energy Conference Proceedings, NASA-LEWIS Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, December, 1974.

5.4. Owen Т. В. Variable-Speed Constant-Frequency Devices: a Survey of the-Methods in Use and Proposed, AlEE Transactions (Part 11. Applications ancE Industry), vol. 78, p. 321—326, November, 1959.

5.5. Chirgwin K. M., Stratton L. J. Variable-Speed Constant-Frequency Generator System for Aircraft, AlEE Transactions (Part 11. Applications and Industry), vol. 78, p. 304—310, November, 1959.

5.6. Rauch S. E., Johnson L. J. Precision Power Frequency with Variable-Speed Generators,. AlEE Conference paper N CP 59-772.

5.7. Hoard B. V. Constant-Frequency Variable-Speed Frequency-Make-Up Generators, AlEE Transactions (Part II. Applications and Industry), vol. 78, p. 297— 304, November, 1959.

5.8. Reitan D. K. Wind-Powered Asynchronous AC/DC/AC Converter System,. NSF/NASA Wind Energy Conversion Systems Workshop Proceedings, NSF/RA/ W-73—006, p. 109— 114, December, 1973.

5.9. Jesse R. D., Spaven W. J. Constant-Frequency a-c Power Using Variable-Speed Generation, AlEE Transactions (Part II. Applications and lndustry),-vol. 78, p. 411—418, January, 1960.

5.10. Chirgwin K. M., Stratton L. J., Toth J. R. Precise Frequency Power Generation from an Unregulated Staft, AlEE Transactions (Part 11. Applications-and Industry), vol. 79, p. 442—451, January, 1961.

5.11. Bird В. М., Ridge J. Amplitude-Modulated Frequency Changer, Proceedings 1EE, vol. 119, № 8, p. 1153—1161, August, 1972.

5.12. Wickson A. K. A Simple Variable Speed Independent Frequency. Generator, AlEE Conference paper № 59—915.

5.13. Bernstein Т., Schmitz N. L. Variable Speed Constant Frequency Generator Cirquit Using a Controlled Rectifier Power Demodulator, AIEE Conference paper № 60—1053.

5.14. Ramakumar R., Allison H. J., Hughes W. I. Description and Performance of a Field Modulated Frequency Down Converter, 1972 SWIEEE—CO Record, Dallas, Texas. IEEE Catalog № 72 CHO 595—9 SWIECO, p. 252—256, April, 1972.

5.15. Allison H. J., Ramakumar R., Hughes W. L. A Field Modulated Frequ,-<ency Down Conversion Power System, IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, vol. 1A-9, № 2, p. 220-H226, March/April, 1973.

5.16. Oklahoma State University progress reports: NSF/RANN/SE/GI-3S457/ PR/74/1 dated April 18, 1974 and NSF/RANN/SE/GI-39457/PR/74/3 dated October 15, 1974.

5.17. Savino J. M. A Brief Summary of Large W. G. S. in the U. S., NASA Techn. Memo. X-71605, 1974.

5.18. Re/tan D. K. Wind Powered AC/DC/AC Converter System, Wind Energy Conversion Systems Workshop Proceedings, 109, 1974.

5.19. Ramakumar R., Allison H. J., Hughes D. L. A Self Excited Field Modulated Three-Phase Power System, C74 318-2 IEEE—PES Summer Meeting, July, 1974.

5.20. Golding E. W. The Generation of Electricity by Windpower E and F. N. "Spon, London, 1955.

5.21. Kostenko M. P. A. C. Commutator Generation with Frequency Regulation Independent of Rotational Speed, Electrichestuo, N 2, 1948.

5.22. Kostenko M. P., Piotvousky L. Electrical Machines, vol. II, MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1969.

5.23. Adkins В., Gibbs W. J. Polyphase Commutator Machines, Cambridge "University Press, 1951.

5.24. Wall T. F. Large Wind Driven Synchronous Generators, Engineerings, 155, 4037, p. 532.

5.25. Meyer V. M. Uber die untersynchrone Stromrichterkaskade, ETZ-A, September, 1961.

5.26. Paice D. A. Spped Control of Large Induction Motors by Thyristor -Converters, IEEE Trans. IGA, 5, 545, October, 1969.

5.27. Linke S., Teshome A., Yehsakul P. D. A Study of Transmission and Protection Elements for Wind Energy Generating Systems, Brookhaven National Laboratory (unpublished), December, 1975.

5.28. Jorgensen G. E., Lotker M., Meier R. C, Brierly D. Design, Economic and System Considerations of Large Wind-Driven Generators, IEEE Power Engineering Society, Winter Meeting, January, 1976.

5.29. Jayadev T. S. Windmills Stage a Comeback, IEEE Spectrum, p. 45, November, 1976.

5.30. Wind Energy Mission Analysis, Lockheed California Company, Report № LR27611, September, 1976.

5.31. Design Study of Wind Turbines 50 kW to 3000 kW for Electric Utility Applications, General Electric Company, Valley Forge Space Center, ERDA/ NASA—19403—76/2, February, 1976.

5.32. Design Study of Wind Turbines 50 kW to 3000 kW for Electric Utility applications, Kaman Aerospace Corporation, ERDA/NASA-19404-76/2, February, 1976.

5..33. Operational, Cost and Technical Study of Large Wind Power Systems-Integrated with an Existing Electrical Utility, Southwest Research Institute, 1976. Г 5.34. Todd С J., Eddy P. L., James R. C, Howell W. E. Cost-Effective Electrical Power Generation from the Wind, Proceedings of the 1977 Annual Meeting, American Section Lnternational Solar Energy Society.

5.35. Wind Energy Mission Analysis, General Electric Company, Valley Forge Space Center, Report № 76, SDS4267, February, 1977.

5.36. Potential Pumped Storage Projects in the Pacific Southwest, Federal Power Commission, Washington, D. C, 1975.

5.37. Pumped Storage in the Pacific Northwiest, an Inventory, Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division, 1976.